Emoji App Development Cost Features

Emoji App Development Cost Features
Last Updated on : Mobile App Development Social Networking App
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“A picture is worth a thousand words, no matter how much the language evolves.”

In today's digital generation, what is the best way to convey your thoughts or share your feelings without texting briefly? Of course, images, emojis, and gifs are truly excellent ways of expressing your thoughts and feelings to another person. No one likes to type a whole paragraph to express their thoughts when simply clicking on emojis or sending images can do this work more effectively.

Nowadays, emojis are everywhere! From casual texts to social media posts, these emotions-filled small icons have become a universal language for sharing emotions. Of course, emojis are not new in today's world; they have been around for decades. SoftBank, known as J-Phone then, launched the Skywalker DP-211 SW mobile device on the 1st of November 1997, with the world's first-ever known emoji set. The set included 90 different emoji characters. Since then, the craziness of emojis around people has gone viral worldwide.

Whether you're texting or posting on a social media network, emojis are like an on-the-go emotion/thoughts sharing item to others digitally. As a result, emojis have gained unmatchable popularity. Also, this surge in emoji popularity has fueled the rise of emoji apps. Facebook and Messenger are used by more than 5 billion people daily. Indeed, according to a survey this year, the number of emojis will increase to 3,090, helping people express their emotions with emojis.

Emoji applications have become increasingly popular with budding start-ups and entrepreneurs as emoji use and apps grow in popularity. However, a key question remains for aspiring and new entrepreneurs: How much does it cost to develop an emoji app, and what features should it have? But don't fret; this blog dives into the cost of emoji app development and explores the must-have features that will make your app stand out.

So, let's jump into the action…

Why Create An Emoji App?

Emoji apps are useful for increasing your brand’s value, offering unique services to your customers, and customizing your advertising.

Therefore, emojis are becoming a business tool as well as a tool for entertainment. Brands such as Domino and Starbucks that use emojis to promote sales prove this.

Pizza chain Domino’s jumped on the emoji train and now lets customers order pizza via emojis. How cool is that? As a result, you can choose your pizza without even typing. It also contains 28 Starbucks-specific emoji icons for all coffee lovers to share with their friends. Domino’s uses it to maintain emotional contact with users.

The emoji wave has been embraced by many other businesses as well. In addition, celebrities like Kim Kardashian have created their own emoji collections so that fans can use emojis on social media and text messages. Therefore, you can add unique features to any messaging application such as Snapchat, request emojis, and even create emoji keyboards.

How Does Emoji App Development Can Benefit Your Business?

As of 2024, countless emoji applications are available in the app stores and on the internet. Still, many entrepreneurs find it a more lucrative business opportunity. Is it a profitable business?

Without a doubt, it's a great and profitable business in 2024; however, there's strong competition in the market. On top of that, App Store Optimization (ASO), implementing the right monetization tactics, delivering unique selling points (USP), maintaining user engagement, and lastly, marketing effort is the key to the success of your business. Therefore, you'll need a strategic approach to create a solution that everyone needs and becomes their first choice.

In 2024, developing a successful emoji app can offer your business a treasure trove of benefits. Here's why:

Brand Awareness and Engagement

A unique emoji set featuring your brand's mascots, characters, or themes can boost brand recognition. Imagine users incorporating your emojis into daily conversations, spreading brand awareness organically. This playful interaction fosters community and deeper engagement with your target audience.

Enhanced Marketing Potential

Emoji apps provide a fantastic marketing platform. You can integrate in-app advertising or partner with other brands to offer exclusive emoji packs. These partnerships can expand your reach and attract new customers interested in your unique emojis.

Data Collection and Insights

Understanding user behavior through your app is invaluable. By analyzing which emojis are most popular, you can gain valuable insights into user preferences and tailor future marketing campaigns or product development based on this data.

Monetization Opportunities

Freemium models with in-app purchases for premium emoji packs or subscriptions are popular strategies. Additionally, offering sponsored emoji sets or collaborating with influencers for promotion can generate revenue streams.

Standing Out from the Crowd

A well-designed emoji app with a distinctive style can differentiate your brand from competitors. It allows you to showcase creativity and cater to a specific niche or audience. This unique approach can attract a loyal user base who regularly uses your emojis, promoting long-term brand association.

Use Emoji- A Professional Environment

Our daily conversations revolve around emojis without a doubt. Does business communication make use of them? It is here where there is a more pronounced divide in opinions. Business professionals, who are more traditional, or rather older-fashioned, may be less enthusiastic about emojis. The younger generation understands and appreciates the benefits of emojis equally when used in a business setting as they do in casual communication. Maybe these statistics will sway you away from belonging to the latter rather than the former.

Are you interested in making emoji apps? Discover how to create an emoji app for Android and iOS using the following four steps.

What Is The Best Way To Start Your Emoji App Development Process?

This section will answer your question if you want to learn how to create an emoji keyboard app as a business. In this article, we will introduce you to four simple steps to create your own emoji app. The following is a step-by-step explanation of every step:

1. Analyses of the market

App development requires more than just emoji app ideas. Identifying the target audience is the first step. For the following audience:

  • It is a convenient way for users to express themselves.
  • Those who are shy and prefer emojis over writing and talking.
  • Emoji sets featuring celebrities, such as sportsmen and TV presenters, are popular among celebrities’ fans.
  • Sending greeting emojis is a favorite activity for some people. Often, people send well-wishes through an emoji or sticker.
  • Start-up companies that are interested in buying sets of emojis and emoticons (for example, fast food chains would like stickers of food items).

Discover the weaknesses of your existing competitors, and where your competitors do not provide customers with the services you provide. Install and test the apps of your competitors for a while to identify the flaws. To know how you can improve your app’s features, you will need to check performance, speed, design, colors, and fonts. You should also consider how you can exceed their service expectations. As feedback and ratings are generally expressed in this section of Google Play Store and Apple App Store, you can check them out. Most feedback on application performance and their expectations of the application comes from the users of the application. Having successfully taken the first step, now proceed to the next.

2. Analyze Your Needs

Before you start creating an app, you should analyze your requirements as far as the type of app you desire, the number of screens you want to include, any special design (UI/UX) you have in mind, or any particular features functionalities you require. Take a minute to review what you need and create a document detailing your requirements so that you can share the document easily. The following sub-points can be helpful if you need assistance identifying your needs:

  • Whether it is a native app, hybrid app, or web app
  • Apps can be built on platforms like iOS or Android
  • Emoji design and size requirements
  • When creating an MVP, make your requirements clear

3. What features you should include

Although the requirements have been inspected, the next step is for you to decide which features would lend themselves to your app. In the Google Play Store and Apple App Store, you can review the comments of the top emoji applications to see what the essential features are. It's here that users comment on the product, share their feedback and expectations, and describe features they want to see. As part of the process, ask your target audience to answer a question about the features they prefer. The following features can be included in your emoji app if you aren’t sure which features to offer:

  • Feelings expressed through animated emoticons
  • Emojis in 3D
  • Offering individualized forecasts
  • Themes that work best
  • The ability to connect to the cloud
  • The ability to input emoticons easily
  • Using gestures when typing
  • Decides to work on your emoji app

You now need to identify an emoji app development company that specializes in your type of idea. You can find seasoned developers in our app development company when you visit Orion InfoSolutions, which lists experienced developers. 

As per your project requirements, create a list of developers that fit your needs. By now, you must be curious about the cost of creating an emoji app after learning the steps. The next section examines the factors that may influence app development costs.

Key Features To Include in Your Emoji App

No matter what type of application you develop, its main highlight is its core features and functionalities. Features lead your app to the path of success, making it more likeable, enjoyable, and value-driven for users. Of course, you can’t just integrate random features or ones already on the market. You need to think out of the box so that your app doesn’t look the same as others. It’s crucial to decide which features and functionality will be beneficial for your app and end users.

Here are some of the top-class Emoji App Development features that are in trend and gaining colossal popularity:

Unique Emojis

With so many emoji characters created, building something unique becomes mandatory for standing out in the market. Therefore, the best thing to do is offer an out-of-the-box curated library of high-quality emojis that goes beyond what users find on default emoji keywords or apps. You can include exclusive artist collaborations, such as user face emojis, superman, or something that engages users.

Predictive Emoji

Finding one emoji from hundreds can frustrate users, which is a complete red flag for your business. To allow users to find their emojis more easily, integrate a powerful AI that suggests relevant emojis based on their typing. This can be a real time saver and help users express their emotions or thoughts more effectively.

Customization Options

Adding a custom option for adding or creating more stickers or emojis is a great way to increase engagement. Allow your users to easily personalize their emoji experience by adding features like creating custom emoji packs from existing ones, adding personal touches like filters or accessories, or even letting users design their own emojis from scratch. The best examples are Snapchat and WhatsApp, where users can add or create stickers and emojis.

Integration Beyond Keyboards

Imagine crafting a hilarious meme for your friends. With your emoji app, you could easily select your favorite "rage face" emoji and directly upload it to your meme-making app. This integration could extend to design software like Photoshop, allowing graphic designers to incorporate unique emoji illustrations into their work. For the crafty crowd, partnerships with online printing services could let users personalize phone cases, t-shirts, or even mugs with their favorite emojis.

Interactive Features

Go beyond static emojis and introduce a world of interactive expression. Animated emoji responses could add an extra layer of fun to chats. Imagine a "rolling on the floor laughing" emoji actually rolling across the screen or a "fireworks" emoji erupting in a dazzling display. Emoji mashups would allow users to combine two emojis to create new and personalized expressions. Feeling overwhelmed? Mashup a "stressed face" with a "coffee cup" to perfectly express your need for a caffeine boost. Emoji games could be another engaging feature, with challenges that involve matching emojis, creating emoji stories, or even using emojis to solve puzzles.

A Seamless Search Function

Finding the right emoji shouldn't feel like hunting for a needle in a haystack. Your app's search function should be a powerful tool. Keyword search would allow users to type in things like "celebration" or "sadness" and be presented with relevant emojis. But don't stop there! For a more nuanced search, allow users to filter by emotion category (happy, angry, confused) or specific emoji objects (food, animal, sports emojis). This comprehensive search would ensure users can always find the perfect emoji to express themselves.

Offline Functionality

Being caught without internet access shouldn't mean being stuck without emojis. Your app should allow users to download and store their favorite emojis for offline use. This way, users can express themselves with flair, even on aeroplanes, in remote locations, or anywhere with a spotty internet connection. Downloaded emojis would still be fully functional, allowing users to send them in messages or copy and paste them into other apps.

Costs of Developing Emoji Apps

Various stages of developing an emoji app are included in the estimation of the cost. For an estimate of how much it would cost to build an emoji app, refer to the given table.




Outline and Prototype

50 – 100 hours

$3,700 – $4,000

programming and design

650 – 700 hours

$30,000 – $47,500

Application testing

70 – 100 hours

$2,000 – $3,500


Additionally, we mentioned the costs associated with developing the app based on its complexity. If we use a $25 per hour rate for the app development, the cost of emoji app development will typically range from $10,000 to $45,000.

Approximate Emoji App Development Complexity

Based on the complexity of the app, here is an estimate of the cost. The feature set of the application makes it more complex. Due to this, the cost of developing the app automatically increases.


Key features

Cost Estimate

Easy-to-use application

Keyboard with Emojis
Fonts, GIFs, and sticker types
Keyboard with custom design
Settings for general use

$12,000 – $20,000

App with complex features

Keyboard with Emojis
Forecasting customized to each individual
Typing gestures
Automatic corrections
Keyboard with multilingualism
Dictionary-based emoji prediction
Translator built into the program
Emoji words and text

$90,000 – $300,000


Location-Based Emoji App Development Costs

App development costs are also affected by the location of the developers. Listed below are four different app development locations and their hourly rates. We’ll look at the costs of hiring developers in various locations.


Per Hour Cost

The United States & Canada

$150 – $300 per hour

Western Europe

$100 – $250 per hour

Eastern Europe

$50 – $150 per hour


$25 – $60 per hour


The steps for developing an emoji app, the cost to build one, the top examples, and the most frequently asked questions have been discussed in this post. The details that we took you through step-by-step should have helped you reach a good decision. Taking advantage of this opportunity, you can work on your own emoji app idea and earn a passive income.

We will get in touch with you as soon as one of our sales representatives receives your contact form. With years of experience in the mobile app industry, our experts will suggest the best possible solution based on your app idea and requirements. Get in Touch with the Mobile app development company, Orion InfoSolutions.

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About Author

DC Kumawat

DC Kumawat is the CEO of Orion InfoSolutions, a leading provider of IT solutions to businesses of all sizes. He has over 14+ years of experience in the IT industry. He is a passionate advocate for the use of technology to improve business performance.