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In order to reach the widest possible audience if you’re selling products online, you need an e-commerce website that’s well-optimized.
Then why? It has a number of benefits.
You can find a lot about your customers’ demographics and how they browse your site through a good e-commerce website, for instance.
Using tracking, you can then use your visitor’s information to analyze their behavior and learn more about them.
But e-commerce websites do so much more. Furthermore, you can figure out what’s wrong by using it. The types of traffic that don’t work, the types of offers that aren’t appealing, and the reasons for cart abandonment issues.
Another important reason to optimize your website is the rise of e-commerce globally. It appears that e-commerce will continue to grow year over year.
It would be great if you were already online. By not taking proactive steps to increase visibility, you run the risk of remaining invisible to new leads and prospects.
What is the best way to do that? It’s a simple solution: e-commerce SEO.
Finding new customers can be challenging, especially if search engines are not finding you.
Customers are essential to the success of your eCommerce site. (Of course, right?)
To get the attention of customers, it is expensive.
The clothing sector costs per click average 89 cents, while the cost per action averages just under $10.
To gain even a handful of new customers, you could spend thousands of dollars.
You’re going to gain free traffic (yes, for free!) by appearing in the search engine results if you join the SEO bandwagon.
Isn’t that important? When it comes to shopping, 32% of shoppers use Google.
Take a look at this eCommerce SEO case study, where a mattress manufacturer generated a 53,571% ROI.
Furthermore, you should maximize your click-through rate on the SERPs whenever possible.
Since 79% of search engine clicks are distributed among organic results.
Here are five essential SEO strategies to drive traffic to your site and get your share of the $861.12 billion eCommerce pie.
Especially if you have a website full of tons of products, eCommerce SEO may seem like a daunting task. You may need time, but with a solid strategy, the process is sped up.
Find out about the best e-commerce SEO practices you can implement today by exploring below.
We will examine some of the best SEO tips for eCommerce sites lacking in the area of search engine optimization. Getting each item off your list will make your eCommerce SEO strategy more effective, which means that you’ll make people find your products more easily.
Choose the Right Keywords
Yes, it is still important to use keywords. The copy should include these keywords, but you don’t want to overload it.
The product heading, description, Meta description, image alternate attributes, and subheadings should all include the primary keyword you are targeting. Use keywords from the latent semantic index (LSI). Google understands the context of your page by analyzing these related keywords.
Analyze the volume and cost per click of keyword searches
Research keywords before using them. Understand the number of times people use that particular term (keyword search volume), the level of competition in the paid-ad space (cost-per-click or CPC), and what they’re looking for when using it.
I’d like to go into more detail.
The search volume measures the amount of interest a particular keyword inspires among consumers. There will be a lot more active searches for a keyword with a high volume of searches, so that means greater popularity.
When someone buys advertising based on a specific keyword, the CPC tells you how much they are paying per click. Increased competition is indicated by a high CPC. If your target keyword has a high level of competition, you might want to consider finding a long-tail alternative.
In summary, user intent refers to the search terms people use when searching Google. Think about someone typing “shower” and hitting Enter.
What kind of information does that person want? Do they want information about installations, repairs, baby showers, bridal showers, or something else entirely? Use other words if you cannot determine the user intent behind a keyword.
Analyze Your Competitors
You should try to optimize your eCommerce site based on your competitors if you aren’t sure where to begin. Competitive websites, particularly those of larger companies, have probably already invested a great deal of time and effort into optimizing their websites, and you can get a lot of information from their websites.
Your main focus should be on keywords. You should pay particular attention to the keywords on their homepages and top product pages.
If your website optimizes for a given keyword, how can you tell? If you want to see what your competitors’ title tags look like, start with the Moz browser extension.
To see which keywords your competitors rank for organically and through paid searches, you can also use tools like SEMrush.
If you’re researching keywords, don’t stop there. Observe how your competitors optimize their landing pages by using the specified keywords.
Focus On SEO for Your Homepage
SEO budgets and efforts are usually focused on the homepage of most businesses. Optimizing this page is definitely one of the best things you can do for your website, however, it is by no means the only thing you should focus on.
Nevertheless, you should optimize your homepage as well. Listed below are the key elements you should add and optimize.
Titling of the home page
On-site search engine optimization begins with the SEO title tag. In addition to your business name, your main keyword phrase needs to be included. Search visitors will see this title tag in search results, so you want it to be short and appealing. It should be less than 70 characters long.
Meta description for home page
A 160-character description of your business will also appear in search beneath the title tag of your homepage, though this is not important for keyword rankings. Your content should encourage people to visit your website.
Content on the homepage
Visitors to your homepage should be able to learn clearly and concisely about your business and the products you offer. Make sure not to overwhelm visitors. Include a few of your best products on your homepage.
Search engines, as well as visitors, can be confused by cluttered homepages. Perhaps you sell products that fall under a wide range of categories. The search engine will have difficulty identifying what your site offers and who your products are aimed at, so be specific.
Site Architecture Should Be Simple
Consider the importance of site architecture as you add products and categories to your store. The navigation hierarchy should be distinct, from your homepage to the categories within which the products are found.
A clear internal linking structure that is easy to follow will allow search engines to discover your website’s pages and products.
To make sure people can access everything in three clicks, search engines and visitors follow the three-click rule. It should only take your website visitors three clicks to access any of your products from the homepage.
Linking Products Internally
Your eCommerce site can be more attractive to deep-dive visitors by linking to related products and articles.
If you are running a business, optimizing your product pages is critical. There are many eCommerce store owners who simply write a few lines of text and insert images or videos.
In order for Google to find your product pages, you need more information. This is what you need to work on.
Name of the product
Your product name is important. Your product page’s title and URL are typically used in the SEO title as well. Consider including a keyword phrase or a search term in your product description as a result.
Consider including “tee” or “t-shirt” in the product name if you are selling T-shirts. The keyword will then also appear in the URL and SEO title.
The benefit of this strategy is that your product’s title will be included in posts shared on Facebook or Pinterest by those users.
A product page is incomplete without images. Take a moment to imagine yourself as your customer. Is a site that depicts a product clearly from many angles more likely to sell you a product than one that doesn’t have any images at all, or one that is small and hard to read?
Your images play an important role not only in customer relationships but also in search engine optimization.
Start with the filename when optimizing your images for search. Your product pages should not contain images called IMG0010.jpg. Put the product name and the primary keyword in place of the product name.
Consider including keywords that people might use to search for these alternative views of your product.
When you add images to your product page, you should also include the product name and keyword as the ALT text.
What’s the result? In addition to Google Image Search, your images may also appear as part of Google’s main search results page’s additional media.
Add video to your product page to help your customers feel more confident about their purchases. Depending on your product, the video can be an introduction (like a commercial), a how-to video on how to become successful with the item, or a testimonial from someone who has already used the item.
Video marketing on networks like YouTube can be a great way to educate and attract potential customers to your business.
A DIY video showing people how to incorporate your products into something awesome, for example, can be very educational. You’ll see a higher likelihood of your related products being purchased once they’ve gotten into that idea.
Boost Customer by Reviews
You should allow reviews if your product is good in order to boost customer loyalty.
A bad review isn’t always the end of the world. In other words, if you have a more expensive item with excellent reviews, and a cheaper item with negative reviews, people are more likely to choose the more expensive item, which results in greater sales for your business.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Are your products frequently questioned? It’s a given. FAQs about your products are essential to conversions.
The customer who doesn’t find the answers to a question will likely seek those answers from somewhere else – and purchase from that source.
Additionally, you should have a general FAQ section on your website. It is crucial to provide buyers with information regarding your website’s security, shipping, and return policies to increase buyer confidence and increase sales.
These days, many people shop on their mobile devices. Having an eCommerce site that is responsive can both improve the user experience and the search engine results. The mobile-friendly nature of a website has been a ranking signal in Google’s mobile-first index.
Mobile and desktop users alike value page load speed. Google will rank you higher if your pages load faster.
Is there a way to decrease the load time of a page? Your page should be pared down as much as possible. If a white body column covers most of the background image, a large background image might not be needed. If any of your eCommerce business’s plugins or add-ons do not contribute to your bottom line, remove them as well.
Dimensions of an image
When you upload large images, your browser takes longer to load them. A 1,000×1,000 pixel image will be reduced by half if you reduce it to 500×500 pixels. With a program like Adobe Photoshop, you can also save images as lower-quality JPGs (JPEGs).
“Save As…” just by clicking “File“
When saving your image, you’ll be able to choose from zero to twelve JPG (JPEG) quality settings.
Reduce the file size simply by moving up an arrow to a twelve. As you can see, the image went from 125K to 82.4K.
Besides backlinks, Google also uses the placement of your pages in the search results based on backlinks. A high-quality site that links to your site promotes its authority.
You don’t have to work hard to build links for e-commerce websites. One white-hat way to build links is to write guest posts for blogs related to your niche. You can email the blog owners you’re interested in with three or more ideas for possible guest posts.
There are a lot of opportunities to get things right when optimizing a search engine-friendly e-commerce site – but if you’re not careful, you can make terrible mistakes that can drastically harm SEO.
Implementing the SEO tips outlined in this article will ensure that your eCommerce site is well-optimized for search engines, resulting in a tripling of your organic traffic. You can get SEO training from Orion Infosolutions’ SEO institute in Jaipur if you are looking for these things to be done by professionals. You can contact us any time.
DC Kumawat is the CEO of Orion InfoSolutions, a leading provider of IT solutions to businesses of all sizes. He has over 14+ years of experience in the IT industry. He is a passionate advocate for the use of technology to improve business performance.