Difference Between Hybrid and Native App

Difference Between Hybrid and Native App
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Hybrid and native are application development platforms where you can develop your App according to your requirement. Both kinds of Apps have their own merits and uniqueness, but they are used for a special purpose due to their special functionality.

If one wants to choose which App to work then first, you have to know about hybrid and native Apps and how they are different from each other and which would be the better alternative to choose. In comparison, native apps are created for a particular platform like Android, iOS, and Windows. In contrast, hybrid Apps are created for multiple platforms so that we can use a single App on all Platforms. Often less priority is given to Hybrid Applications than Native Applications.

Hybrid apps are single Apps that perform on all Platforms and are easily accessible from web browsers and mobile devices. It can be created easily by using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS web programming languages. For this, we do not need a particular programming language. The best part is that it is platform-independent; it saves our time and can be easily accessed. Hybrid Apps are created to meet the requirements of different specifications, and it can quickly work on all Platforms, and we have no need for different Apps because a single App can perform on all platforms. Most Hybrid App Development Company does work in both technologies.

Pros of Hybrid Application

  • Hybrid maintains a single code that runs on multiple platforms.
  • It takes lesser time to develop as code is written in HTML
  • It saves both time and money.
  • Get updates without going to the play store.
  • They use plugins for installing an App.
  • Visual and interactive components such as games and 3D animation are also available in hybrid Apps.

Cons of Hybrid Application

  • There is no App store network; it can be distributed through the web only.
  • Performance is slower than the native App.
  • It cannot access inbuilt features.
  • Hybrid apps can have hidden bugs that lead to future errors.
  • It is less in use comparing the Native App.

Native Application

Native App is explicitly developed for Android, iOS, and Windows mobile devices. Users can download the App from the App store. The native application uses Application Development programming languages for app development like Objective C, Swift, and Java. It provides fast and easy access as compared to a hybrid App. Native applications have better performance, high security, user friendly, and the best user experience.

Pros of Native App

  • Native App provides better security than the hybrid App.
  • Native App provides flexibility and easy-to-access features.
  • Native mobile apps provide fast performance and a high degree of reliability.
  • Native Apps reach users easily as they are available on the App store.
  • Highly compatible with devices.
  • Native Apps can use push notifications, alerting users when their attention is required in the App.
  • It can access the latest features of the updated App.
  • They are readily available on the app store and can be installed easily.
  • It can use inbuilt functions easily.

Cons of Native App

  • Apps are not updated automatically. App store approval is needed
  • It requires a long time duration to develop as entire code to be written
  • It works on a single platform; we have to create different apps for different platforms.

What We Suggest

By understanding both the apps, which of the App is better to go with? You should consider the features and the long-term stability and flexibility of the App. If you want a simple app, you can go with hybrid app development, but if you want more functionalities, then Native Apps are the best to choose as Hybrid App has limited features to access.

Orion CEO
About Author

DC Kumawat

DC Kumawat is the CEO of Orion InfoSolutions, a leading provider of IT solutions to businesses of all sizes. He has over 14+ years of experience in the IT industry. He is a passionate advocate for the use of technology to improve business performance.